Travelling to a tropical island may be off the holiday list now, but why not create your own touch of paradise at home with some gorgeous palms and their alies.
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Gardenias are stunning evergreen shrubs with glossy green leaves and fragrant white or cream flowers.
The sounds of summer in the garden include the gentle song of birds, the throbbing hum of cicadas and the buzzing of bees.
Have you thought ahead to a time when having people over and entertaining is again possible?
Does the thought of a bouquet of dahlias get your heart racing?
Summer is the time you need to know how to cut some corners. So here are the best cheats possible to have your garden looking great – fast.
You might LOVE your neighbours but still not want to be looking at them from the back deck.
Don’t you just love summer fruit?
One of the most popular plants of the last few decades would have to be Murraya, also known as Orange or Sweet Jessamine, or mock orange.
The warm weather of a changing season kick starts all sorts of changes in your plants.
Roses in summer should bloom for many months, flowering right through to after Easter.
Want an edible evergreen screen? Try growing a passionfruit over the shed, along the fence or even over a balcony rail.