Eden Gardens has a community mission to improve the quality of life in the wider
community through horticulture and education. Eden is actively involved in the
community in many ways and encourages members of the public, staff and suppliers
to join in our endeavours. Each year we hold fundraising morning teas to
support Father Chris Riley’s Youth off The Streets and Cancer Council NSW.
These are run with the help of local community volunteers.
Contact if you would like to become an Eden Volunteer
or for more information.

Eden Foundation
The Eden Foundation is a philanthropic trust established in 2008 as the charitable branch of Eden Gardens. The mission is to build community, connecting disengaged youth
with the natural environment and improve the quality of like in the wider
- To fulfil this mission the Foundation proudly supports a range of organisations including Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off the Streets, Cancer Council NSW, Endometriosis
Australia, Orange Sky Laundry, Women’s Community Shelters and Street Side
- The work of the Foundation compliments Eden Gardens Environmental and Social endeavours, improving the quality of life in many disadvantaged communities in NSW.
- Since 2008 the Eden Foundation and Eden Gardens together have donated over $3.4 million dollars to our chosen charities.
Since 2008 the Eden Gardens has provided an annual scholarship for a young person experiencing disadvantage through the YOUTH OFF THE STREETS –SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. These young people are talented and
determined, but lack the support network or financial means to achieve their
education goals.
Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets
Through excursions, work experience and fund raising events, we work with Youth Off The Streets to support disconnected youth as they turn their lives around.

Cancer Council NSW
As we are all about outdoor living, we promote sun awareness and cancer prevention through education, fundraising events and remembrance functions in support of Cancer Council NSW.
Eden Gardens is also home to the Daffodil Garden a place of remembrance for those who have been touched by cancer and honours those who support Cancer Council NSW.
Community Greening
Eden Gardens has supported Community Greening, an initiative of the Botanic Gardens Trust and NSW Department of Housing. Since 2011 the Eden Foundation has donated $600,000 to support Youth Community Greening, an off-shoot of Community Greening. Through this program Eden has helped established more than 120 school and community garden projects and reached more
than 21,000 individuals living in communities in need.

Easy Care Gardening
Eden Gardens supports this local volunteer gardening service which helps elderly and disadvantaged people remain independent and stay in their homes longer.

St Edmunds Schools
Since 2013 Eden has offered wonderful senior students from St Edmunds College, Wahroonga, the opportunity of excursions and work experience in our garden centre.