Display Gardens
Wonder through the award winning gardens at Eden Macquarie Park and you start to get a feel for what a pleasure garden is all about. Unlike a botanical garden, this internationally recognised private garden is a place of fun and sharing. So take your time, have a stroll and get lost among the forest of poplars, enticed by the exhibition gardens, or tantalised by the cooling water features.

The Spring Garden
Springtime has always a frantic time in the garden at Eden with our bulb display out, as well as many of our blossoms trees, including ornamental pears, plums and peaches. The native garden still has many blooms out, including the croweas and wattles. Fresh new leaves are emerging from all the deciduous trees and the rare creamy yellow flowered clivias under the poplar trees are a delight. And then there are the wisteria arbours. For a few weeks every year they are a must see and favourite Insta spot!
The Summer Garden
The summer garden at Eden is full with flowers, fruits and colour. Our water plants in particular look great, with water lilies flowering in the terrace. There is also plenty of cooling alcoves created by the arbours and established trees. Calming blue flowers dominate with hydrangeas, the unusual blue butterfly bush, bog sage abuzz with bees and also false plumbago creating a cascade into the water gardens. The white crepe myrtles look like frothy seafoam and the bull bay and port wine magnolias fill the garden with scent, mingling with gardenias and frangipanis.

The Autumn Garden
The garden at Eden has many wonderful treasures to discover in autumn. The Natal Flame Bush for example is a rare tree with its stunning orange flowers and the Brazilian Red Cloak looks spectacular near the Fiddlesticks sculpture. In the perennial garden, salvias, canna lilies and dahlias strut their stuff, and a drift of pink windflowers meander under the olive trees. It can also be a surprising time for bulbs, with autumn crocus flowering after rain and the stunning red Jacobean lily blooming blood red.
Autumn is also lovely for some more common garden stalwarts. It’s the beginning of the Camellia season, the peak flowering for Purple Glory Bushes, and a time when Angels Trumpets scent the air with their perfumed bells.
And one can’t of course, forget the autumn leaves as they colour up and prepare to fall. The maples, crepe myrtles and honey locusts look particularly beautiful.
The Winter Garden
The winter garden is often considered a quiet time in the garden. At Eden, the native garden really starts to come into its own with wattles, grevilleas, croweas and correas all flowers profusely. The woodland garden has some special large flowered Camellia reticulata’s flowering like ‘Dr. Clifford Parkes’, as well as some Camellia japonicas. There are all some scented flowers in the garden, like Sweet Olive, Viburnums, and daphne. It’s also a great time for conifers, with our diverse collection ranging from the weeping Kashmir Cypress, to Yew trees with their winter berries, Brown pines along Lane Cove Road and even the deciduous Swamp Cypress looking amazing as its fern-like foliage turns rusty brown. Early bulbs are flowering, and in the daffodil garden there are jonquils, earlicheers and paper whites. The kitchen garden is bursting with ripening citrus, from native finger limes to the good old backyard favourite ‘Eureka Lemon’. And not to be missed is the Orange trumpet vine which surrounds the water reservoir and turns on an explosive flash of orange each winter.

Rare and Unusual
Do you love rare plants? Is growing a Tibetan blue poppy from seed successfully in your garden, watering it daily with iced water till you see its stunning flower emerge and you can post pictures boasting of your success something that gets your heart pumping?