
Biodiversity in the Backyard
This World Environment Day, the United Nations is urging us to learn how all living things on Earth are connected in the web of life and how we can act #ForNature.   Biodiversity in the backyard is one way urban areas...
Are Your Indoor Plants Struggling? Here’s What to Do
Caring for a plant can be much harder than it looks. While we all dream of owning happy, healthy plants that never seem to stop thriving, reality can be a little tougher. Sometimes you’ll buy a gorgeous plant, take it...
Bees are crucial to food security
Bees are crucial to food security, with many of the world’s main food crops pollinated by them.  Australia has honey bees, imported not long after colonization, but also around 2000 species of native bees, the majority of which are solitary...
Creating your Zoom Backdrop
Have you been looking at everyone’s places during their Zoom meetings?  You’re not the only one, and there are even bookcase analysts now revealing what your bookcase says about you!  A simple way of creating a backdrop for those meetings...
Spending time working from home?
There are a few ‘must have’ items for this to happen effectively and a computer, internet access, desk and chair rank at the top, but what’s going to make your home office feel good are the less ‘essential’ items like...
Mother’s Day “Mums”
Chrysanthemums or “mums” as they are popularly known, are traditionally given to mums on Mother’s Day in Australia.  In Asia, they symbolize birth and rebirth, and given as gifts for both baby showers and funerals, though the colour influences its...
Building a Sanctuary at Home
We have all come to realise how precious homelife is, and how creating a sanctuary at home where you feel safe has never been more important.  Clearing out unwanted ‘stuff’ that clutters our mind and spaces and organising what’s remaining...
colours of the australian landscape
This Autumn a renewed passion for plants and the natural world is being embraced in our homes and reflects our environment like never before. This is driven by the increased knowledge of the positive impact on our well being that...
Types of Mum
The model mum is the one everyone is jealous of and secretly wants to be.  In the plant world that has to be the Moth Orchid… sophisticated and dramatic, it looks great everywhere and always gets a second look. Happy...
Spotlight on Soils
Soil is an incredibly complex mix of animal, vegetable and mineral.  The relationship between soil bacteria, parent material (sandstone, granite, basalt), pH, soil structure, salinity and nutrition are all factors that affect soils and plants.  Caring for you soil involves...
The Power of One
Sometimes thinking BIG can be the answer.  Too often, we crowd and create clutter when styling our spaces, instead of using one statement piece to say it all.  To help you make some big impact this Autumn, we’re having a...
Winter Indoor Projects
Sometimes you need to be creative to gardening indoors, so we’ve come up with some fun projects to try in your own home.   # Bonsai Whilst most bonsai plants are strictly outdoors, you can train some indoor plants into...