Spending time working from home?

There are a few ‘must have’ items for this to happen effectively and a computer, internet access, desk and chair rank at the top, but what’s going to make your home office feel good are the less ‘essential’ items like pictures of friends and family, good lighting, and a few great plants.  Don’t underestimate the calming qualities of a few potted ‘work mates’, that are not only great for our mental health, but also purify the air. 

RMIT crunched some numbers on 101 scientific articles and created what they call a Plat Life Balance Index.  Indoor plants can remove up to 90% of air pollution, by filtering toxins caused by organic chemicals in things like paint and furniture finishes.  They also found that a variety of plants organised into a grouping helps us distress, so grabbing a group of indoor plants really gives you a winning ‘green team’ edge that is great for work wellness.

So what plants make the best teammates?  Stick to hardy, forgiving plants, that come with great ‘soft skills’ like the flexible rubber plants, calming peace lilies, slightly zany Zanzibar gem, graceful kentia palm, tenacious pothos, or Devil’s ivy, and the cast iron plant, which will weather any office crisis.  You might want to add a terrarium too…they will help you imagine a greener new world.

At Eden Gardens we have a range of great indoor plants for your home office, as well as amazing pots, watering cans, terrarium plants and containers, atomisers, fertilisers, pebble mulches and potting mixes to make your office as green as possible.


By Meredith Kirton