Family Art Day - Sunday, March 12th

Nature play and creative endeavours have been shown to have positive health and well-being benefits to children, reducing stress. Art is a great way of engaging your right brain, and this in turn builds concentration, is great for flow and mindfulness.

This is good for the whole family, so join us for a weekend of hands on fun, with crafty cards, colouring in in the café, paper making, mark making and much more, including our Autumn Artisans Market.

Crafty Kids 10am - 2pm

Alison Thompson will be running casual “drop in” sessions where you can craft some garden- inspired cards and other art on the day.

Kids Terracotta Pot & Paint Workshop - we will be painting and decorating terracotta pots and planting them with beautiful flowers.

Recycled Craft

  • Paper Making - the ability to transform waste paper into a beautiful handcrafted stock for letter to someone special or your own journal is a technique you’ll love learning. Gemma Mackenzie-Booth is a talented Eden Unearthed artist and educator who will spend a few hours guiding you through the entire process. Younger children welcome with the parents help.
  • Rag Bag Workshop - make your own carry all with recycled and found objects. You’ll love your new bag (or basket), and be saving these resources from landfill using simple crochet stitches. They even look terrific dressing plastic plant pots!

Nature Inspired Art

We also have some workshops for late teens and adults where you can develop your skills.

  • Native Arabesque Drawing - Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw in a stylistic pattern? It’s the type of thing used in tiles, wall paper, and other decorative work over centuries. Learn this beautiful Arabesque still, famous in Moorish architecture, from Eden Unearthed Highly Commended artist Kathie Najar who will show you how to draw native plants and animals in a way that makes them contemporary and exciting.
  • Slow Art and Nature Workshop - crafting gum leaves from paper is a slow, repetitive process that will help you connect with nature and find your centre. Our Award Winning Eden Unearthed artists, Kristy Gordon, has made a beautiful work at Eden that uses similar skills, and she will share these with you as you slow down and be in the moment - and the garden, over a few hours.
  • Mono Print Workshop - Forage and find objects in the garden that can then be used as the basis for a print using this contemporary print making process. Andy Totman is an educator and print maker who will unlock this technique over a few hours in the garden.
  • Mark Making Workshop - our cafe features the colourful and creative works by emerging artist Douglas Scofield. He is also a gardener, and has an affinity for working outside “plain air” taking inspiration from the outdoors. Join him for a morning of colour and creativity.

Book in to avoid disappointment and visit our  What’s On page at Eden Gardens Macquarie Park for more details.

Photos by Alison Thompson 


By Meredith Kirton