Compost Week

Sunday 2nd May is the beginning of International Composting Awareness Week.

Composting is a simple enough process where what was living breaks down into humus – a soil-like substance that is nature’s answer to just about anything.

We compost our kitchen scraps here at Eden Gardens in Macquarie Park, using the Hungry Bins Worm Farms.   We find them fast, effective, and easy to use. But you can also compost in a heap, in a tumbler, or by trench composting, which is digging a hole and burying it!

Making up a compost involves getting the correct ratio of carbon to nitrogen together so that your organic matter breaks down quickly and effectively.  Normally it 30:1 parts carbon to nitrogen, which simply means dry leaves, cuttings and pruning and so forth need to be combined with nitrogen rich material like leaf clippings and vegie scraps.

There are different methods, such as layering compost, anaerobic composting, fermenting, making compost teas, making hot composts and even reusing weeds to make into composts. 

