The model mum is the one everyone is jealous of and secretly wants to be.
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Have you greened your house yet?
Did you recently start vegie gardening for the first time?
Have you ever thought that perhaps your garden might also need a detox?
April is sustainability month at Eden Gardens and we will be hosting a variety of talks, workshops and other events to celebrate.
It can be tricky getting some fresh air at the moment.
When everything is changing to red and orange in the garden, it’s Time to Go Green
Outdoor and natural environments affect us deeply and positively.
Have you found your perfect match yet? We have created a plant dossier that brings you one step closer to the perfect partnership.
Gardening indoors in summer has its advantages. When it’s wet, you’re dry, for starters!
Summer is not your typical time to plant a garden.
It’s hot and often humid in January, which is great growing weather, so you’ll need to be vigilant keeping weeds in check and vines under control.