Winter has begun. Sharpen your tools and get ready to prune, clean up your garden shed and generally have a good tidy up and trim. It’s a great time to be working outside with fine, cool days. Any bigger jobs like paving, transplanting and transforming are best executed now, so you’re ready for spring.

Find a spot outside in the sun for your Mother’s Day Chrysanthemums when they finish flowering
Cut back grapes to main branches
Trim bougainvilleas
Divide and repot waterlilies
Hard prune any overgrown shrubs like oleanders, photinias, viburnum and duranta to encourage dense new growth
Sharpen your secateurs ready for rose pruning season
Add manure into beds for potatoes
Prune berries like raspberry and blackberry
Cyclamen as they come into season.
The last of your cold sensitive herbs before they die in the first frost. Pick them now and either freeze or dry them
Early citrus; keep rats and birds off developing fruits
Early blossoms like Taiwanese cherry and flowering apricots
The first flowering bulbs like daffodils and jonquils as the emerge from their slumber
The winter sun

Have on hand
Some lovely bowls into which you can plant lily bulbs
Mulch to top dress garden beds
Lettuce seeds to so every few weeks for staggered harvests