Holidays, Easter and Anzac Day seem to tumble into one. Now is the absolute best time to be enjoying the great weather and getting outside into the garden.

Give your lawn a once over with a rake to remove any built up old clippings; these can stop water penetrating as it should do into the roots. The apply lime.
Fancy a salad? Now is the best time to plant lettuce. Choose from oak leaf, cos, mignonette, iceberg and many other repeat harvest greens like rocket.
Rhubarb crowns can go in now. Because they live in situ for years, prepare the soil well with loads of added manure and compost and then plant a few weeks later.
Love a laksa or curry? Sow seeds of coriander in the garden or pots now, and you’ll be harvesting leaves in about 6 weeks’ time and seeds in about 12.
Spring flowers like primula, pansies, polyanthus and stocks are wonderful for late winter, early spring blooms. Plant seeds of them now into sunny spots in your garden, or pots, which can be enjoyed inside and out when flowering.
Your compost is about to go into overload with autumn leaves, so turn it and lime it now ready for May’s leafy bounty.
Plant cyclamen seedlings in pots, or massed under trees, for a beautiful winter flowering display.
Not want to see your neighbours? Now is the time to plant a hedge. Prepare the area first by removing weeds, and mix through some water storing crystals.
Japanese windflowers. Their white flowers look like floating poached eggs throughout autumn, and they are a great ground cover for shady areas.
Early cymbidium orchids
The changing colours of autumn
Ixoras – we call them tropical hydrangea
Ornamental Ginger
Cooler evenings and perfect days

Have on hand
Lime for your lawn
Rhubarb crowns
Salad greens
Flower seedlings like cyclamen, primula, pansies, stocks, poppies and stocks.
Rake to scarify (vigorously rake) your lawn
Hedging plants – about 1 per metre is a good rule of thumb, but ask for specific plant advice
Coriander seeds
Rhubarb crowns
Cow manure
Rosemary for ANZAC day.