Eden Gardens Covid-19 Policy
We would like to keep our customers and visitors up to date on what we are doing in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak.
We are ensuring a high standard of cleanliness throughout Eden Gardens and our cleaning staff are using hospital-grade disinfectant in all areas. They are giving extra focus to busy areas & surfaces throughout the site. We have hand sanitiser stations throughout the store. We have put social distancing signage into our stores so that they serve as a clear reminder to be mindful of the space around us. Our kiosk is open and serving a new takeaway menu. We are offering indoor distanced seating for 50 in line with current Government regulations. Guests must sign in with their contact information before sitting inside. There is additional seating on the terrace and in the garden. We are following Australian Government regulations in regard to non-essential outdoor gatherings of more than 500 people and all non-essential indoor gatherings of 100 people. We will again, adhere to any updated guidelines in this area.
We are also requesting your assistance by taking some simple steps that will help us all:
As much as we’d love to see you, please stay home if you feel unwell;Please wash your hands frequently with soap under running water; and Cover your mouth with your elbow when cough or sneeze or sneeze.
We are so grateful for your support during this time. We are fortunate that social distancing is easy in our open green spaces!