This Is The Perfect Plant For You According To Your Zodiac Sign
It’s written in the stars (and the soil).
Plant shopping can be a tricky task. Between the fiddle leaf and the ficus, finding one that matches our personality and lifestyle isn’t all that easy. But what if we told you it was as easy as surrendering to the stars?
Well, the good folks over at Gro Urban Oasis and Eden Gardens have worked their astrological and botanical magic, matching you with the perfect plant based on your star sign.
Let's leave it to fate. Image: Instagram @mrcigar.
Aquarius - Hanging Fishbone Cactus
Free-spirited and eccentric.
Pisces – Alocasias (Elephant Ears)
Hydrophiles – both the plant and star sign thrive in water.
Aries – Maidenhead Fern (The Diva of House Plants)
Picky, impatient and undeniably beautiful.
The hanging fishbone cactus creates a sprawling effect.
Taurus – Kentia Palms
Slow and steady but hardworking .
Gemini – Philodendron (Lacy Tree)
Split personality and can thrive in multiple situations.
Cancer – Peace Lily
This plant possesses air purifying qualities and is the perfect partner for a Cancer that is known to care for others.
The Pilea Cadieri in all its glory. Image: Pinterest/The Pass It On Plant
Leo - Pilea Cadieri
A true 'trophy' plant, they are very much at home sitting on a shelf or in a hanging planter for all to see.
Virgo – Zanzibar Gem
Solid and stubborn.
Libra - Heartleaf Philodendron (Sweetheart plant)
Romantic Libras deserve equally romantic plants as its name suggests.
Scorpio – Sansevieria Trifasciata (Snake Plant)
Powerful, passionate and striking.
The snake plant may be small but it sure is striking. Image: Instagram @elle.martinez_
Sagittarius – Monstera Deliciosa
A very easy houseplant that doesn’t need much water, similar to the outgoing and independent nature of Sagittarius.
Capricorn – Kokedama
Bold, interesting and unique.
So go forth, plant your lucky star sign seedlings and watch them grow. And, if you're looking for more hands-on advice for your plant babies, head to a Gro Urban Oasis store and chat with the friendly team.