Small Spaces, Big Flavours

Have you ever thought about having a living spice rack?  Perhaps you’ve been inspired by the Masterchef garden and want to try growing your own, but don’t have any space.  Many herbs can be grown in large pots, and pairing flavours together with growing conditions means you can easily find what you need even when it’s dark.
Some classic pairings for pots include:
  • Thai Tumbler: Kaffir lime, under planted with Holy basil, chilli, tumbling tomato, coriander and garlic chives.
  • Mediterranean Mix: Olive tree, under planted with Italian parsley, Greek oregano, pizza thyme and trailing rosemary.
  • French Ensemble: Bay tree, under planted with chervil, parsley, chives and tarragon.
  • Aussie Bunch: Native finger lime, underplanted with warrigal greens, midgen berry, native mint and native basil.
TIP: Herbs mostly need a full sun position and great drainage to thrive.  If you’re using pots, you can always put the pots on casters and roll them around to the sunniest spot in the courtyard as the conditions change each season.

By Meredith Kirton